The class of 2022, a group of talented aspiring Automotive and Transport Designers that have successfully navigated the past challenging three years, here to display their diverse work and creativity.
Here to re- imagine future vehicles and design language, to tackle the environmental challenges that we are all facing in the near and far future; to push the engineering boundaries and solve ergonomic problems, to investigate new materials, and to improve range and social interaction.
Three years of arduous work have paid off, learning how to draw, how to render, how to use industry standard 3D software, how to sculpt, how to research, how to get inspired, how to think out of the box, how to be bold.
For these students, it is a fantastic achievement and the start of a wonderful journey.
It is a real privilege for me and the team, to be able to witness it while celebrating 200 years of Education.
We wish them all the best of luck in their future careers.
Sergio Fontanarosa – Programme Manager